Universität Bonn

Research Data Service Center

Research Data Service Center: a glimpse behind the scenes

The University of Bonn formed the Research Data Service Center in 2019 in a move to provide the best possible support to researchers in addressing RDM. As a competence center, we cover the entire research process from project planning to the final publication and archiving of research data. Our services include advice, conducting training and development of basic IT services for handling research data. We function as a single point of contact, taking inquiries of all kinds to ensure that you don’t have to waste time searching around to find the right contact. The Service Center is a joint initiative of the University IT and Data Center (Hochschulrechenzentrum, HRZ) and the Bonn University and State Library (Universitäts- und Landesbibliothek Bonn, ULB Bonn). The members of our team come from diverse backgrounds, contributing academic, technical and library science expertise.


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Dr. Christian Bittner

University and State Library

After completing a degree in Geography at the Free University of Berlin, Christian Bittner did his doctorate at the University of Erlangen-Nuremberg with a multi-disciplinary dissertation project on web mapping in Israel and Palestine involving elements of social science, cultural studies, cartography and data science. Dr. Bittner is also a certified Data Librarian and interested in the digitalization of society and academia, with a particular focus on issues of open science and digital maturity. He manages our website and functions as coordinator and contact person at the Service Center for inquiries relating to the RDM in the social sciences and the humanities.

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Dr. Ewa Elizabeth Bres

(on parental leave)

University and State Library

After completing a degree in Biology, Ewa Elizabeth Bres obtained a PhD at the International Graduate School of Neuroscience, Ruhr University Bochum. During her doctorate she studied the impact of the lipoprotein receptor Lrp1 on brain development, with a focus on the astrocyte lineage. She is interested in Open Science, scientific misconduct, good research practice and scientific photography. At the Service Center, she manages the research data repository bonndata and is a contact person for inquiries related to the natural and life sciences as well as training.

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Sfefanie Läpke

University and State Library

Stefanie Läpke studied Romance and German studies at the universities of Bonn, Sorbonne Paris IV and Leipzig with a focus on French corpus linguistics. She is the contact person for Digital Humanities at the University and State Library and is responsible for all questions regarding computational methods and tools in the humanities. She is particularly interested in Open Science, improved availability of resources for research in the humanities and full-text recognition. At the Service Point, she is the contact person for inquiries related to the humanities.

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Dr. Daniel Rudolf

University and State Library

Daniel Rudolf studied chemistry at Heidelberg University and obtained his doctorate there as well at the Inorganic Chemistry Institute, completing his dissertation on guanidinate-stabilized gallium hydrides. He is also a Certified Data Scientist specialized in Data Management (Fraunhofer FIT). He is particularly interested in the latest developments in academic publication and bibliometrics, and in the digitization of research. He is the contact person at the Service Center regarding Electronic Lab Notebooks and for inquiries relating to the natural sciences.

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Dr. Ben Stöver

IT and Data Center

While studying biology (with a focus on computer science and physics) at the University of Bonn, Ben Stöver also worked there as a research software engineer. He then moved to the University of Münster and worked initially as part of his doctorate and then as a research assistant, mainly on the development of bioinformatic software. The focus was on improving the reusability of scientific data and the reproducibility of studies. In addition to this research activity, his area of responsibility also included responsibilities in teaching and IT infrastructure at the WWU Münster. As a software developer and IT architect at the Research Data Service Center, he is responsible for the development of the storage infrastructure and the services for integrated research data infrastructure based on it.

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Dr. Sergej Zerr

IT and Data Center

Sergej Zerr studied computer science and information engineering at the Universities Osnabrück and Twente (NL), where he was a part of the Semantic Web Community and actively participated in the metadata initiatives of DublinCore and W3C. Sergej received his Ph.D. in privacy-aware information retrieval at Hannover University, where he led several national and EU projects on AI-supported data analysis in the areas of internet research, qualitative secondary research, human computation, and Industry 4.0. At the Service Center, he is responsible for the IT-architecture, design, and technical implementation of the Research Data Management infrastructure and services at the University IT and Data Center (HRZ) of the Bonn University.


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