Universität Bonn

Research Data Service Center

janneke staaks, CC-BY-NC 2.0

We support your research data management!

The Research Data Service Center supports RDM throughout the entire research process – from research project planning and application filing to the publication and archiving of research data.

We help you implement your RDM in line with the good research practice, the FAIR principles, and open science. The Service Center provides advice and designs basic, general RDM services for academics all across the University.

The Research Data Service Center is a joint initiative of the University IT and Data Center (Hochschulrechenzentrum, HRZ) and the Bonn University and State Library (Universitäts- und Landesbibliothek Bonn, ULB Bonn).

Current News & latest RDM developments at the University

On the 6th of February 2024, the Rectorate of the University of Bonn agreed on a research data policy for the University of Bonn. The policy came into force the day after its publication in the official announcements (19th of February 2024).
More information about the policy and the accompanying recommendations for action  is available on our webpage.


Logo Open Access
© Adrien Coquet from Noun Project - CC-BY

Consultation Service

Our consultation service assists you in the planning, application, implementation and completion phases of your project.

Schmuckbild, Euromünzen
© DEMOGRAPH from Noun Project - CC-BY

RDM in grant applications & DMPs

With our grant application support, we assist you in creating an application for third party funding or a data management plan (DMP) for your project.

CC-Logo von Händen umschlossen
© Sumit Saengthong from Noun Project - CC-BY

Training Courses

We regularly offer training courses for different target groups of Bonn University.

Schmuckbild, eine Person erklärt einer anderen Person etwas
© H Alberto Gongora from Noun Project - CC-BY

Data Publishing

Use the research data repository bonndata for the publication of research data.

Open Access Logo in verschiedenen Farben
© Komkrit Noenpoempisut from Noun Project - CC-BY

Electronic Laboratory Notebook

The Electronic Laboratory Notebook (ELN) RSpace is available to all interested research groups at the University of Bonn.

Schmuckbild Kalender
© ProSymbols from Noun Project - CC-BY

Storage Services

We provide an overview of available storage services and support you in choosing the right system for your project.

Schmuckbild, eine Person erklärt einer anderen Person etwas
© BinikSol @ Noun Project (CC BY)

Storage System Selection Tool

Find the right system for your research data.

Icon DH
© Dewi Novita Sari from Noun Project (CCBY3.0)

Digital Humanities

We can help you with questions about tools, methods and standards relating to Digital Humanities.

Schmuckbild, eine Person erklärt einer anderen Person etwas
© SVG Repo - CC-0


Confluence is a powerful wiki for documentation and knowledge management in projects.

Schmuckbild, eine Person erklärt einer anderen Person etwas
© SVG Repo - CC-0

DOI Service

We offer the allocation of Digital Object Identifiers (DOIs) for university research data repositories and databases.

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© boxicons - CC-BY


GitLab is an IT service for collaborative versioning of software or other text-based data.

Schmuckbild, eine Person erklärt einer anderen Person etwas
© Smashicons on The Noun Project - CC-BY

Long-term storage

Archive data from completed projects securely and write-protected for a defined period of time.

Schmuckbild, eine Person erklärt einer anderen Person etwas
© Wishforge.games - CC-BY


Currently we are working on setting up the JupiterHub service.

Advisory Board for Research Data (WBDF)

The scientific advisory board with the focus on research data management at the University of Bonn.

The National Research Data Infrastructure (NFDI)

How can the NFDI support me and my research data?

Open Science

Logo Open Science
© G. Emmerich - CC-BY-SA

The promotion of an Open Science culture is an important pillar of the Excellence Strategy of the University of Bonn.

Open Science comprises a series of measures aimed at ensuring transparency, traceability and reproducibility are met by the increasingly digital scientific community. By incorporating structured research data management into your work, you ensure that your research data are understandable and reusable, also beyond your current project.

In addition to the Research Data Service Center, the Open Access Service Center supports you in making your research results openly accessible.

Logo Servicestelle Open Access Bonn
© Research Data Service Center - CC0
Logo Servicestelle Forschungsdaten Bonn
© Open Access Service Center - CC0
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